Mayfields of South Carolina

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Mayfield Families of Granville, Franklin and Warren Counties -- an Analysis of the NC State and Federal Census Reports for the years 1786-1860

By Phil Norfleet

Most of the early Mayfield immigrants to South Carolina (SC) in the years immediately before and after the Revolution came to SC from either Granville or Bute Counties in North Carolina (NC).  During the Revolutionary War, in 1779, Bute County (named after the Earl of Bute in England) was abolished and split into two parts; the northern portion became Warren County and the southern portion became Franklin County.  At that time all of the Mayfield families of Bute County were living in the northern part and thus became residents of Warren County.

To properly understand the origin of many of the early Mayfield families of SC, it is first necessary to understand their relationship to the Mayfields of early Granville and Warren Counties NC.  To form a basis for such an understanding, I have prepared tables summarizing the Mayfield family information contained in the NC State and Federal census reports for the period 1786 through 1860. Where possible, for each Mayfield household, I have annotated the tables with my tentative identification as to how the family fits into the overall Mayfield genealogical scheme.

North Carolina State Census for 1784-1787

In 1784, the North Carolina Legislature ordered that a state census be conducted of all residents of the state both black and white, free and slave.  Unfortunately, most of the NC counties were slow to implement this legislation.  It was not until 1786 that this census was conducted for Granville and Warren Counties.  Unfortunately, the returns for Franklin County contained only numbers and no names, hence the data for Franklin are of no genealogical use.

County Name WM's Age 21 - 60 WM's Age <21 and >60 WF's of All Ages Slaves Age 12-50 Slaves Age <12 and >50 Remarks
1.  Granville "Obey" Mayfield 1 3 5 2 0 I'm not sure of the identity of this person.  This "Obey" Mayfield may be the same person as the "Abe" Mayfield shown in the 1790 federal census.  "Obey" could be the census taker's phonetic version of "Abe" or "A. B." Mayfield.
2.  Granville Valentine Mayfield 1 4 4 0 0 This is undoubtedly the same Valentine Mayfield who died testate in Granville County in 1791.  This census is the best data source as to the size of his family, i.e., a wife, 4 sons and 3 daughters, just a few years prior to his death.
3.  Warren Abraham Mayfield 0 2 4 10 12 This Abraham Mayfield is undoubtedly the same man who died testate in Warren County in 1809.  The John and Thomas Mayfield, cited in separate households below, are probably Abraham's eldest sons.  Thus, at this time, Abraham's family consists of his second wife, Mary (Polly nee White); at least 3 sons and at least 3 daughters.  His will names his wife Mary; sons John, Thomas and Edmond; and daughters (all now married) Mary Jackson, Catherine Dye, Agnes White and Nancy Helton.  In all, 3 sons and 4 daughters. Thus by 1786, at least one of his daughters was already married and living in another household and his sons, John and Thomas, also had their own households.
4.  Warren John Mayfield 1 3 4 1 0 This John Mayfield (1749-1824) is genealogically well documented. In about 1810, he emigrated to Franklin County GA.  Unfortunately, in 1824, on a visit to Granville County NC with his second wife, he took ill and died.  In all, John had 2 wives,  6 sons and 3 daughters.
5.  Warren Thomas Mayfield 0 3 3 0 0 This Thomas Mayfield is the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  In later years, he would become very wealthy and owned many slaves.  Thomas died testate in Warren County in 1832.
6.  Warren Joseph Mayfield 1 1 5 5 1 Due to his apparent age and wealth, Joseph is probably a brother of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809) and not a son. Thus he would probably be the son of the elder Abraham Mayfield, who died testate in Granville County in 1778. Joseph either died or emigrated prior to the 1790 Federal Census for NC.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1790

The first United States Federal Census was conducted in 1790.  The "census day" for the 1790 enumeration was the first Monday in August 1790 or 2 August 1790. This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day.  Unfortunately the detailed census for Granville County has been lost.  Accordingly, the information presented in the published records for that county, a simple list of names, is based on Granville County tax records for that year.  We do have the data for Warren County and this information is shown in the following table:

County Name WM's =>16 WM's <16 WF's Slaves Remarks
1. Warren Thomas Mayfield 1 1 5 23

This Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) is the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  The census data implies that Thomas had 1 son and 4 daughters still living in his household in 1790.. Since he owns 23 slaves, Thomas must have been a relatively wealthy man for his time.

2. Warren Abraham Mayfield 1 0 1 22

This Abraham (d. 1809) is the father of at least three sons: (Thomas, John and Edmond) and 4 daughters. Since only Abraham and his wife Mary are listed, it appears that all of his children were then living in their own households.  Abraham owns 22 slaves indicating that he was a fairly wealthy man.

3. Warren John Mayfield 2 5 4 5

The entry for this this John Mayfield (1749-1824) indicates that he then had 6 sons and 3 daughters.  John is genealogically well documented and the names of all of his 9 children are known from Bible records. In about 1810, he emigrated to Franklin County GA. However, in 1824, on a visit to Granville County NC with his second wife, he took ill and died.

4. Warren Edmond Mayfield 1 1 2 3

The census report states that this man's name is "Edw'd" but it almost certainly refers to Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831), son of Abraham (d. 1809).

5. Granville Valentine Mayfield        

The names listed for Granville County were taken from tax records and no family information is available.  This Valentine Mayfield is undoubtedly the man who died testate in Granville County in 1791.

6. Granville "Abe" Mayfield        

The names listed for Granville County were taken from tax records and no family information is available.  This "Abe" Mayfield may be the same person as the "Obey" Mayfield shown in the 1786 state census.  "Obey" could be the 1786 census taker's phonetic version of "Abe" or "A. B." Mayfield.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1800

The second United States Federal Census was conducted in 1800.  The official "Census Day" was 4 August 1800.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Granville, Franklin and Warren Counties are all extant. The 1800 census information for the Mayfields are shown in the following tables:

Granville County:

Pg # Name M <10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F   <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Valentine Mayfield

0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3

This Valentine (b. 1774) is the son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. who died testate in 1791.  The female in age group 16-26 is Valentine's wife Elizabeth  (b. 1780). The male in age group 10-16 is probably Valentine's brother Daniel (b. 1885). The white female over age 45 is probably Valentine's widowed mother, Winifred Mayfield.

556 John Mayfield 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 This John Mayfield (d. 1818) is another son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. who died testate in 1791.  John died at a relatively young age in 1818. His brother Valentine (b. 1774) was the administrator of his estate. When John died he left a widow (Sally) and seven children,
557 "Obey" Mayfield 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 This "Obey" Mayfield may be the same person as the "Abe" Mayfield shown in the 1790 federal census.  "Obey" could be the census taker's phonetic version of "Abe" or "A. B." Mayfield.  He may also be a son of Valentine, Sr. (d.1791); however, "Obey" appears to be somewhat older than Valentine, Jr. (b. 1774).


Franklin County:

Pg # Name M<10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Benjamin Mayfield

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

Benjamin is the son of Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) of Warren County NC. Benjamin died quite young -- on 3 May 1820!


Warren County:

Pg # Name M<10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Thomas Mayfield

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 16

This Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) is the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  The entry implies that Thomas had one son and no daughters still living in his household in 1800.

818 William Mayfield 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 This William Mayfield is probably a son of Edmond Mayfield  (d 1831).  William died in Warren County at a fairly young age, in late 1835 or early 1836. James OK Mayfield, his brother, was named to administer William's estate.
818 Edmond Mayfield 2 0 2 1 0 4 0 1 1 0 12 Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831) was the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  This census report, implies that Edmond had, in addition to the William cited above, 4 other sons and 5 daughters.
818 Abraham Mayfield 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 15 This Abraham Mayfield died testate in Warren County in 1809.  Edmond Mayfield was appointed executor of his estate.
818 John Mayfield, Sr. 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 This entry for John Mayfield (1749-1824) indicates that he still had 4 sons and 2 daughters living in his household.  John is genealogically well documented and the names of all of his 9 children are known from Bible records. In about 1810, he emigrated to Franklin County GA.
818 John Mayfield, Jr. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 This John Mayfield (b. 1776) is probably the son of the John Mayfield, Sr. (1749-1824) listed above.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1810

The third United States Federal Census was conducted in 1810.  The official "Census Day" was 6 August 1810.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. The 1810 census information for the Mayfields is shown in the following tables:

Granville County:

Pg # Name M <10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F   <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Valentine Mayfield

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

This Valentine (b. 1774) is the son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. (d. 1791). It appears that the age category shown for him is marked in error. In 1810 he would only have been about 36 years old. The female in age group 26-45 is Valentine's wife Elizabeth  (b. 1780). The white female over age 45 is probably Valentine's widowed mother, Winifred Mayfield.  The younger male  shown with Valentine in the 1800 census (Daniel Mayfield) is no longer in the household.

880 John Mayfield, Sr. 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 This John Mayfield (d. 1818) is another son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. who died testate in 1791.  John is shown with a household including 5 sons and 1 daughter. However, when John died in 1818 he left a widow (Sally) and seven children - 3 sons and 4 daughters.  If the census data is correct, then several sons must have died before 1818 -- perhaps in the War of 1812.
880 John Mayfield, Jr. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I don't know the identity of this John Mayfield.  He appears to be too old to be the son of either Valentine Mayfield (b. 1776) or John Mayfield (d. 1818).  It is possible that he is the son (born in 1776) of John Mayfield of Warren County (1749-1824).

Franklin County:

Pg # Name M<10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Benjamin Mayfield

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13

Benjamin is the son of Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) of Warren County NC. Benjamin died relatively young and without children -- on 3 May 1820.

Warren County:

Pg # Name M<10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks

Edmond Mayfield

2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 24

Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831) was the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  This census report, indicates that Edmond had 3 son and two daughter still living in his household.

750 John Mayfield 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 25 This entry for John Mayfield (1749-1824) indicates that he had 2 sons but no daughters still living in his household.  John is genealogically well documented and the names of all of his 9 children are known from Bible records. Shortly after this census was taken, John emigrated to Franklin County GA.
756 Mary Mayfield 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 Mary is the widow of the Abraham Mayfield who died testate in 1809.
763 Thomas Mayfield 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 26 Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) is the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  The census data implies that Thomas had 1 son and 1 daughter still living in his household.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1820

The fourth United States Federal Census was conducted in 1820.  The official "Census Day" was 7 August 1820.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. Since Benjamin Mayfield had died in May 1820, no Mayfields are listed for Franklin County. The 1820 census information for the Mayfields of Granville and Warren are shown in the following tables:

Granville County:

Pg # Name M <10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks
10 John Mayfield 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 I'm not sure as to the identity of this John Mayfield.  He appears to be too old to be the son of either Valentine Mayfield (b. 1774) or John Mayfield (d. 1818).  It is possible that he is the son (born in 1776) of John Mayfield of Warren County (1749-1824).
14 Abe Mayfield 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 This "Abe" Mayfield may be the same person as the "Obey" Mayfield shown in both the 1786 state census and 1800 federal census. The name "Obey" could have been derived from attempts by the census takers to transcribe a phonetic version of "Abe" or "A. B." Mayfield. "Abe" Mayfield is probably the father of the younger Valentine Mayfield cited below. This is the last census entry for "Abe" Mayfield and he probably died shortly after deeding property to "his son Valentine Mayfield" in 1825.
14 Sarah Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 3 This Sarah (Sally) Mayfield (b. 1786) is the widow of the John Mayfield who died in 1818. Guardianship records in Granville County indicate that the 4 young daughters, indicated by the census data, were named Miranda, Candace, Susan and Louisa Jane.
14 Valentine Mayfield 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 This Valentine (b. 1774) is the son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. who died testate in 1791.  The two females in age group 26-45 are probably Valentine's wife, Elizabeth (b. 1780), and his sister Polly (b. 1790) Mayfield. The white female over age 45 is probably Valentine's widowed mother, Winifred Mayfield.
14 Valentine Mayfield 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 This younger Valentine Mayfield (born about 1791) is probably the son of the "Abe" Mayfield shown above.  In 1825, Abraham Mayfield made a gift of some property in Granville County to "his son Valentine Mayfield." This younger Valentine would ultimately emigrate to Gibson County TN where he would die in 1834.

Warren County:

Pg # Name M <10 M 10-16 M 16-26 M 26-45 M = >45 F <10 F 10-16 F 16-26 F 26-45 F = >45 Slaves Remarks
802 Thomas Mayfield 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 23 This Thomas Mayfield (d. 1832) is the son of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809).  The entry indicates that all the children of Thomas and his wife, Mary, had by now grown up and left home.
808 Edmond Mayfield 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 53 This Edmond (d. 1831) is the son of Abraham Mayfield who died testate in 1809. Some of the younger white males shown in his household may be hired hands not sons.  By this time, Edmond was one of the most wealthy men in Warren County and owned 53 slaves.
814 Mary Mayfield                       Mary is the widow of Abraham Mayfield, who died testate in 1809 in Warren County.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1830

The fifth United States Federal Census was conducted in 1830.  The official "Census Day" was 1 June 1830.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. No Mayfield households are listed for Franklin County. The 1830 census information for the Granville and Warren County Mayfields are shown in the following tables:

Granville County:

Page # Name M <10 M 10-20 M 20-30 M 30-40 M 40-50 M 50-60 M 60-70 M = <70 F < 10 F 10-20 F 20-30 F 30-40 F 40-50 F 50-60 F 60-70 F 70 =<0 Remarks
10 Valentine Mayfield 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 This Valentine (born circa 1791) is probably a son of the "Abe" Mayfield shown in the 1820 census.  In 1825, this Abraham Mayfield made a gift of property in Granville County to "his son Valentine Mayfield." Shortly after this 1830 census was taken, Valentine removed to Gibson County TN where he died in 1834.
62 Sally Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 This Sally Mayfield (b. 1786) is the widow of John Mayfield (d. 1818). Guardianship records indicate that the 4 young daughters, in the 10-20 age group, were named Miranda, Candace, Susan and Louisa J. Mayfield.  Sally had 4 slaves.
74 Valentine Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Valentine (b. 1774) is the son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. (d. 1791). The white female in the 40-50 age group is probably his wife, Elizabeth (nee Davis) Mayfield (b. 1780), The white female in the 30-40 age group is probably an unmarried sister of Valentine's, Polly Mayfield (b. 1790).  Note that Valentine's widowed mother, Winifred Mayfield, is no longer shown in the household; she probably died in the 1820-1830 timeframe.

Warren County:

Page # Name M <10 M 10-20 M 20-30 M 30-40 M 40-50 M 50-60 M 60-70 M = <70 F < 10 F 10-20 F 20-30 F 30-40 F 40-50 F 50-60 F 60-70 F 70 =<0 Remarks
585 Edmond Mayfield 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 The census indicates that Edmond (d. 1831) owned 63 slaves.
585 William Mayfield 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 William is probably a son of Edmond Mayfield (d 1831).  William died in Warren County at a fairly young age, in late 1835 or early 1836. James OK Mayfield, his brother, was appointed as administer of William's estate.
586 Mary Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Mary is the widow of Abraham Mayfield (d. 1809) of Warren County. The census indicates that she was then in the 70-80 age group and owned 7 slaves.
603 Thomas Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 The census indicates that Thomas (d. 1832) was then in the 80-90 age group and owned 32 slaves.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1840

The sixth United States Federal Census was conducted in 1840.  The official "Census Day" was 1 June 1840.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. No Mayfield households are listed for Franklin County. The 1840 census information for the Granville and Warren County Mayfields are shown in the following tables:

Granville County:

Page # Name M <10 M 10-20 M 20-30 M 30-40 M 40-50 M 50-60 M 60-70 M = <70 F < 10 F 10-20 F 20-30 F 30-40 F 40-50 F 50-60 F 60-70 F 70 =<0 Remarks
101 Valentine Mayfield 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0

Valentine (b. 1774) is the son of  Valentine Mayfield Sr. (d. 1791). The white male in the 50-60 age group is probably his brother, Daniel Mayfield (b. 1785). The two white females in the 50-60 age group are probably his wife, Elizabeth Mayfield (b. 1780) and an unmarried sister of Valentine's, Polly Mayfield (b. 1790).

Warren County:

Page # Name M <10 M 10-20 M 20-30 M 30-40 M 40-50 M 50-60 M 60-70 M = <70 F < 10 F 10-20 F 20-30 F 30-40 F 40-50 F 50-60 F 60-70 F 70 =<0 Remarks
35 James OK Mayfield 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

James O'Kelly Mayfield (b. 1801) is a son of Edmond Mayfield. James died in about 1875.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1850

The seventh United States Federal Census was conducted in 1850.  The official "Census Day" was 1 June 1850.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. The 1850 census information for the Mayfields are shown in the following table:

County Dwelling # Name Age Sex Birthplace Remarks
Granville 29 Valentine Mayfield 76 M NC Valentine is the son of Valentine, Sr. (d. 1791).
Granville 29 Elizabeth Mayfield 70 F NC Elizabeth (nee Davis) is the wife of Valentine.
Granville 29 Daniel Mayfield 65 M NC Daniel is probably an unmarried brother of Valentine.
Granville 29 Polly Mayfield 60 F NC Polly is probably an unmarried sister of Valentine.
Granville 168 Sally Mayfield 64 F NC Sally is the widow of John Mayfield (d. 1818)
Granville 168 Jane Mayfield 38 F NC This is Louisa Jane, a daughter of Sally and John Mayfield.
Granville 168 James Lumpkin 13 M NC Mary Mayfield and Ann Mayfield married Lumpkin men in Granville County in 1833 and 1835, respectively. James may be one of their sons.
Warren 427 "Winefred" J. Mayfield 54 F VA Winefred (Winifred) may be the widow of Edmond Mayfield (his second wife).
Warren 427 James OK Mayfield 49 M NC James O'Kelly Mayfield is a son of Edmond Mayfield. James died in about 1875.
Warren 427 Thomas Palmer 71 M VA Thomas may be the father of Winefred.
Warren 427 Mary B. Bastille 30 F NC Mary may be a married daughter of Winefred.


North Carolina Federal Census for 1860

The eighth United States Federal Census was conducted in 1860.  The official "Census Day" was 1 June 1860.  This means that the information given to the census taker was to be correct as of that day. Fortunately the detailed census information for Franklin, Granville and Warren Counties are all extant. No Mayfields are shown for Granville County; however, two Mayfield households for Warren County and one Mayfield (in the Hinton Ball household) for Franklin County are shown. The 1860 census information for these Mayfields are shown in the following table:

County Dwelling # Name Age Sex Birthplace Remarks
Franklin 121 Hinton Ball 52 M NC Hinton and Susan were married on 07 October 1836.
121 Susan Ball 47 F NC Susan is the daughter of John Mayfield (d. 1818) of Granville.
121 "Myranda" Ball 18 F NC
121 Sarah Ball 15 F NC
121 Candice Ball 14 F NC
121 Isaac Ball 12 M NC
121 James Ball 17 M NC
121 Alberton 8 M NC
Franklin 121 Louisa Mayfield 45 F NC Louisa is the daughter of John Mayfield (d. 1818) of Granville.
Warren 847 J. OK Mayfield 58 M NC James O'Kelly Mayfield is the son of Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831) and his first wife, Catherine Dye Mayfield.
Warren 1004 J. H. Mayfield 28 M NC J. H. and J. W. Mayfield are brothers; they are probably sons of Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831) and his second wife Winifred.
Warren 1004 J. W. Mayfield 26 M NC J. W. and J. H. Mayfield are brothers; they are probably sons of Edmond Mayfield (d. 1831) and his second wife Winifred.

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