Transcript of Samuel Mayfield's Pension
On 13 October 1832, Samuel Mayfield submitted a sworn declaration as part of an
application for a Federal Government pension for his service during the
Revolutionary War. [See Revolutionary War Pension
Application, File Number S16930.] A transcript of his declaration is as follows:
Declaration in order to obtain the
benefits of the Act of Congress of June 7th 1832
State of Alabama, Tuscaloosa County & Circuit Court
On this thirteenth day of October, A. D. 1832 personally appeared in Open Court
before Anderson Crenshaw Judge of the Tuscaloosa Circuit Court now sitting,
Samuel Mayfield resident of the said circuit in the County of Tuscaloosa and
State of Alabama, aged 73 on the 23rd day of May last, [Comment: This would
establish Samuel's date of birth as 23 May 1759] who being duly sworn according
to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the
benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832:
That he entered into the service of the United States under the following named
officers and served as herein stated.
That he was born in North Carolina near the Virginia line, he thinks in the
County of Halifax. [Comment: the NC county records for his father, Robert
Mayfield, would imply that Samuel was actually born in Granville County, then
located just across the Roanoke River from Halifax County] When a small boy his
father removed to South Carolina, Union County & he lived there until he was
about twenty-five or thirty years of age and it was during the last mentioned
time, while a resident of South Carolina, he was called into service. When in
his 17th year he was drafted upon a two-month tour against the Cherokees to
protect the frontier. The Captain commanding over Nathaniel Jeffries, Lieutenant
[and] John Thompson, Ensign not remembered.
On this service he completed all that was required of him though he was not out
the full two months - the Indians not presenting so much danger as required
their staying the whole two months.
Your applicant thinks the American Revolution was only in its beginning at that
time. The Cherokees were restrained [?] and after his return home he was not
again called upon for service for about two or three years. And then he was
called upon to fight against the British on a draft of three months. The
expedition was to repair to Savannah for the purpose of expelling the British,
who then had occupation of that city. And he was one of the soldiers engaged in
that courageous but unsuccessful attempt to recover it under the commanders of
the American forces - General Greene, General Pickens and General Sumter, the
concerned superior officers. The Captain that commanded him at this battle was
named Gilky (he thinks his first name Jonathan) ... In the attack on Savannah he
received no wounds but many of his comrades fell around him. After this service
was over he was disbanded and went home.
He was afterwards drafted for three months. Capt Montgomery, Lieutenant named
Montgomery also and Hugh Taylor, Ensign were the officers of the company to
which he belonged. This three months tour was ... during the Siege of
Ninety-Six, and he was at that siege from the beginning to the end.
After this he removed from Union into Fairfield County, & there he was drafted
for two months, to keep back the British & Tories & was stationed at Four Hole
Bridge. This service tour performed, he received his discharge.
Between the times when thus engaged under a specific draft, he was many times
out against the Tories - rather as [a] Minute [man] ... and a few days would
accomplish the object of the expedition.
After the Siege of Ninety-Six he removed to Fairfield County, South Carolina &
lived there until the War was closed. He then removed again to Union county
where he had formerly resided [Phil Norfleet Comment: It should be noted that
the counties of Union (Ninety-Six District) and Fairfield (Camden District) were
not formed until 1785. Samuel presumably means that he resided in those areas
which later became counties] and from thence to this state [Alabama] about seven
years ago last October [Comment: That is, in about October 1825] & settled in
this county where yet he resides.
That there is no one in this county [Tuscaloosa] that he knows of [who] could
prove his services.
There is an old lady - Squire Jones's Mother who knows of her husband having
gone to the War along with the applicant but would not be capable of proving
anything more.
As to his age, he has no Register thereof, he has his age by knowing from his
father information that he was twenty years old when he married, since which
time his own family Register of the birth of his children ... makes him now the
age he has above stated.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the
present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of
any State.
/S/ Samuel Mayfield (His Mark)
Sworn to in open court this 13th day of October, 1832.
/S/ John M. Jenkins, Clerk
The following certification was provided in support of the above statement of
Samuel Mayfield:
I Joab Pratt Clergyman residing in the County of Bibb, State of Alabama and
George Cobb & Robert Garner of the County of Tuscaloosa hereby certify that we
are well acquainted with Samuel Mayfield who has subscribed and sworn to the
above declaration, that we believe him to be 73 years of age, that he is reputed
and beloved in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the
Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
/S/ Jacob Pratt George Cobb Robert Garner
Sworn and Subscribed in open court this 13th day of October, 1832.
/S/ John M. Jenkins, Clerk