Mayfields of South Carolina

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Reverend Henry Wood (1756-1843)

of Spartanburg District, South Carolina


By Phil Norfleet


Henry Wood (1756-1843) was a life-long friend of Abraham Mayfield of Greenville District, South Carolina; they had known each other when both still lived in Bute County, North Carolina and both had served in the same militia company during the Revolutionary War.  In about 1777, Henry had married Susan Elizabeth Mayfield, the sister of Abraham Mayfield (1763-1850).  Henry did not move to South Carolina until a number of years after Abraham Mayfield had settled in that State.  Reverend Wood did not permanently remove to South Carolina until about the year 1811, when he settled in the Abner Creek area of southwestern Spartanburg District, near the boundary with Greenville District, where Abraham Mayfield resided.  His first wife, Susan, died shortly after their arrival in Spartanburg District and , in 1818, Henry married, as his second wife, Nancy Burns, by whom he had three children: James (b. 1819), Lucinda (b. 1820) and Nancy (b. 1823).  Henry converted to Methodism when he was still residing in North Carolina; he became a Methodist minister and was the pastor of a church, located near the village of Greer in Spartanburg District, for many years.


Revolutionary War Pension Application

On 19 March 1833, Henry Wood applied for a Revolutionary War pension in Greenville District, South Carolina.  Excerpts from that application, including narrative that pertains to his relationship with Abraham Mayfield (1763-1850), are set forth below:

" ... That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated.  That is to say, he was living in Bute County in North Carolina and in the year 1780, in the month of May, to the best of his recollection, early in the month.  He was drafted to serve three months in the Third Division of North Carolina Militia under the command of Major Griffin Nichols, Major & Capt. John White.  While he was with the Army, it was not stationary, bur marched from Bute County (now Warren) through different parts of Wake County.  He served out the greater part of this tour himself, and on the 17th day of June 1780, he substituted Richard Thomas of Wake County to take his place, as will appear by the Certificate of his Capt. marked Exhibit A and herewith produced before the Court.

"Again he was drafted in Bute County, and set out on the 1st day of March 1781 to join the Army at Harrisburg in Granville County NC, was placed under the command of General Thomas Eaton, Col. Herbert Haynes; was first under Capt. Henry Sullivan ... and then was put under Lieutenant Henry ... and we marched to Headquarters at High Rock Ford on Haw River.  Here Capt. John White was commanding the Light Infantry (the same man under whom he served his first 3 months tour) ... he was permitted to join the Light Infantry ... and remained ... until we were marched to Guilford Courthouse; here he was in the battle during the engagement at that place.  Eight or ten days after the battle, he was taken very sick and furnished a Mr. James to take his place as a substitute. ...

"Abraham Mayfield, now before the Court, was a soldier in the Army & was drafted out of Bute County, near the same time; was attached to the same regiment & marched as far as the said High Rock Ford, when he was taken sick.  During which time we saw & conversed frequently with each other. ...

"He (Wood) was born 16 December 1756 in Bute County NC, where he resided till 30 years of age; then moved to the State of Georgia, where he stayed only one year.  From thence he moved back (sic) to Spartanburg in SC where he has ever since resided until now.  The only reason which induced him to make his declaration before the Court in Greenville instead of Spartanburg, is that he could at the former place meet with his old companion in arms, Abraham Mayfield & other old acquaintances, all living in Greenville, who could enable him to make the necessary proof of his service in the Revolution. ... "

[See Revolutionary War Pension File Number R11785.]


Wood Family Connections of Henry Wood

The Wood family connections of Reverend Henry Wood were discussed in a Hall County GA newspaper article by Sybil McRay, that appeared in the "Times of Gainesville" for 10 September 1978.  Excerpts from this article follow:

" ... Pennell Wood moved from Culpepper, Va., to Spartanburg County, South Carolina, where he died and was buried. It is known that he had at least two sons, Benjamin and Henry Wood.

"Benjamin, the youngest of the two sons, was born in 1760, and died Dec. 8, 1838.

"Henry Wood was born Dec. 7, 1756. He was married to Susan Elizabeth Mayfield in 1777. ... the Rev. Henry Wood, (a Methodist preacher) who was born in Bertie County, N. C. applied for a pension for Revolutionary service March 19, 1833, going from his Spartanburg home to make his declaration in Greenville District in order to confer with his old friend, Abraham Mayfield. Mayfield said he had known Henry Wood for 55 years. There were several Wood-Mayfield marriages, and Reuben Mayfield was an executor of Pennell Wood's estate in 1810 in Spartanburg. ... The Rev. Henry Wood organized and was pastor of a Methodist church near Greer, S.C. He died in 1843 and was buried in the church yard of the Woods' Methodist Chapel in Spartanburg County near Greer.

"Children of the Rev. Henry Wood and Susan Mayfield Wood were: John, Elizabeth, Nash, Mary, Henry Jr., Daniel, Charity, James, Lottie, Malachi, and Isham Wood. It is known that at least one son and probably other children of Henry Wood moved to Georgia. Some of the descendants live presently in Hall County. ... "


Henry Wood's Family Bible

The above newspaper article notwithstanding, Leigh Smith of Spartanburg has provided information taken from an old Bible record, re the children of Reverend Henry Wood.  She states that she is "not sure now who even has the original Bible.  A transcript existed in the notes of Robert D. Wood and is verified by other family members who do have xeroxed copies of the Bible page."

Per the Bible record, the children are:  

Ann - b. Aug 29 1778
John - b.  Aug 12 1780
Elizabeth Nash - b. May 27 1782 (one person not two)
Mary - b. Sept 3 1784
Henry - b. Jul 19 1786
Daniel - b. Jul 29 1789
Charity - b. Mar 27 1791
James - b. Nov 30 1792
Lotty - b. apr 26, 1795
Mahala - b. Jun 12 1797 (a female not Malachi)
Isham - b. Jun 3, 1799

All the above names and dates are from Henry Wood's Bible.  Of the above children, Henry moved to Cherokee County GA and James went to Jackson County GA.

Obituary of Henry Wood

The following obituary appeared in the "Greenville Mountaineer" newspaper (of Greenville District SC) on 30 June 1843:

" ... Died at his residence in Spartanburg District, on the 12th inst., Rev. Henry Wood, aged 87 years. The deceased was a native of Warren County NC from whence he emigrated and settled in Elbert County GA. He removed to Spartanburg ... in 1810, returned to Franklin County GA, and returning to Spartanburg in 1811, he settled on the place where he died. During the Revolutionary struggle he espoused the cause of Liberty ... He had for the last 50 or 60 years been an orderly member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a local preacher of that order for 40 or 50 years. ... He has left a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. ... "

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